
What Is Better - Natural VS Lab Grown Diamonds?


The hottest fad in diamonds today are lab-grown diamonds. It seems everyone is offering this alternative to traditional diamonds, but what are they exactly? Will lab-grown diamonds offer you the same value and beauty as a natural diamond? Can you tell the difference, and is it worth the investment? Let’s take a closer look at lab-grown diamonds, to help you decide what’s the best option for your cherished jewelry. 

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Natural diamonds are created over billions of years by specific geological processes in the earth’s mantle. The conditions required to create a diamond are rare in nature, and therefore our supply of natural diamonds is limited. This natural limit of availability, along with their beauty, makes natural diamonds extremely valuable.

Recently, scientists have figured out how to reproduce the natural growing conditions of diamonds in a lab. Lab-grown diamonds are produced by simulating the natural conditions of extreme heat and pressure that create diamonds in nature. The finished product is almost identical to a natural diamond. It has the same chemical identity and physical properties. Many jewelry stores have started offering lab-grown diamonds as an alternative to natural diamonds. For those looking for Scottsdale’s lab-grown diamond rings, these lab-grown options provide an excellent alternative to traditionally mined diamonds.

What is the Difference Between Natural and Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are not the same as diamond simulants, such as cubic zirconia and moissanite. Imitations are not made from carbon crystals, and so they will not give off the same brilliance as diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds, although they were not formed beneath the earth, are made from carbon crystals, and so are almost identical to natural diamonds. For those interested in Phoenix lab-created diamond rings, these lab-grown diamonds offer a genuine and brilliant alternative to natural diamonds.

Natural and lab-grown diamonds have the same physical makeup, so it’s very hard to tell the difference between the two. The main difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds is price and availability. Because there is almost an unlimited amount of lab-grown diamonds available, they’re less expensive than natural diamonds. With the influx of lab-grown diamonds onto the market, natural diamonds have become even more rare and valuable than they were before. For those seeking lab grown diamond in Tempe, lab-grown diamonds offer a cost-effective and readily available option without compromising on quality.

Although they are very hard to tell apart, with the right equipment, a skilled jeweler will be able to tell the difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds. The vast majority of natural diamonds contain plentiful nitrogen in clusters or pairs. On the other hand, most lab grown diamonds contain scattered and isolated nitrogen atoms that are not in pairs or clusters. While this difference is not notable to the naked eye, it would be false to say that lab-grown and natural diamonds are exactly the same. 

Which Kind of Diamond is Right for You?

Choosing between natural and lab-grown diamonds can be a difficult decision. They look identical, but many find they prefer natural diamonds because of the romantic appeal of a diamond created over billions of years, deep in the earth, versus only a few months in a factory. Because of the unlimited supply of factory-made diamonds, it’s unlikely they’ll hold their value over time, like traditional diamonds. However, for those prioritizing sustainability, lab grown diamond rings in Houston offer a compelling option that aligns with ethical values while still providing beauty and elegance.

If you’re looking for traditional jewelry that holds its superior value over time, a natural diamond may be what you’re looking for. A natural diamond offers so much more than just a pretty jewel to look at. Natural diamonds have their own story. They were created over billions of years, deep in the earth’s mantle, and have made the long journey to our finger. Natural diamonds offer a sentimental value, as well as superior physical value, over lab-grown diamonds. Whether you’re buying jewelry for a wedding, to express love, or for beauty, natural diamonds offer a superior value to lab-grown. On the other hand, if you’re interested in innovative and budget-friendly options, consider exploring Dallas’s man-made diamond collections.

To see our collection of exquisite natural diamonds, contact us at Finer Jewelry. We can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.